We innovate!
The future of e-commerce is now! Read a new article in leading polish economy newspaper „Rzeczpospolita” where Łukasz Nowiński (Founder) and Marek Piotrowski (International Marketing Director) of Retail Robotics are talking about their vision of e-commerce sector and a very important moment – the rebranding of the company.
“Small convenience stores are potentially great pickup points due to their universality and ubiquity, but what about functional restrictions, i.e. a small amount of space? The ParcelHero device is revolutionary because it will occupy less than one meter of commercial space. – The rest of the installation will be located above and below the shelves. Inside the device there will be a Cartesian robot issuing packages. There is currently no solution in the world optimizing the surface in this way, which is very important in trade”
Marek Piotrowski, CMO Retail Robotics
Read the article: https://cyfrowa.rp.pl/rzecz-o-innowacjach/41815-zrobotyzowane-punkty-odbioru-przyszloscia-e-commerce-i-e-grocery